Stick Figures?
My daughter had her last cheer competition 2 weeks ago. It was lots of fun but glad the season is over. I made these cute buckets for the girls as a gift. They were filled with goodies.
On the other hand, my purse was stolen from right under me at the competition. NOT COOL people. We had to cancel two checking accounts, all of my credit cards (was not many) and I had to order a new drivers license. It's been such a pain b/c the bank messed up my checking account. I have not been able to spend money in two week. My husband LOVES that and I HATE that. HA HA HA
My friend is an amazing photographer and takes pictures for our cheer gym. She snapped a picture of the buckets because my camera was stolen. They took my wallet, a coach clutch, my make-up bag and a small camera and left the purse in the bathroom. I got the purse back but do not want to use it again. Just feels weird. Now I have a check card again I can go shop for a new purse and wallet.
Check out my friend's blog and web site. If you live in the Atlanta area I would suggest booking a session for family pictures. She is doing our pictures this month. I can't wait!